This blog has been created to show teenager students that learning English can be fun. They will be given links to language games, opportunity to share project experiences, and some research and writing tasks.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Final T's Correction of Formal Letter 1 by B. Nestorovic

Branko, it would be a good idea to pay special attention to the use of tenses and a proper register.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a client who was in London with your travel company. Actually, my friend and me.
We are not satisfied with the tour.

We arranged for the tickets for one of the best London shows. In your offer you said that it did not matter what it was – whether it was music, ballet, opera or anything else. We wanted to watch ballet but we could only get the tickets for cinema.

Nevertheless, we accepted going to the cinema, but we could not see anything.Our seats were too bad, uncomfortable, and in one of the corners. I do not know London as well as you, but I think that it is the worst cinema in the whole city.

As a result, I will have to ask you for a 30 % refund because you did not give me what you promised and the arrangement was too expensive. I hope we will be able to settle
out of court.

I look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,

Branko Nestorovic


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