This blog has been created to show teenager students that learning English can be fun. They will be given links to language games, opportunity to share project experiences, and some research and writing tasks.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Final T's Correction of Formal Letter 1 by K.Krsmanovic

Dear Mr. Malone,

I read your advertisement for work at a camp for children and I would like to apply for a job there, because I think that I can improve my English by working there.
I have studied English for 8 years in a private school and I think that I have very good knowledge of it, so I can work at your camp. Also, I have some experience in looking after children, because I have a broher and a sister who are under the age of 12 and I know what children of that age are interested in. In my free time I go swimming and I play volleyball, so I think that they will be glad to see what I can do and also learn something new.
I am very talented for art and I won some competitions. I think that I will have a very good relationship with children.
I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,


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