This blog has been created to show teenager students that learning English can be fun. They will be given links to language games, opportunity to share project experiences, and some research and writing tasks.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

1st T's Correction of Crime Report by S.Radovanovic

Stefan, it is not clear how the police officers would deter young people at schools from mugging. The verb deter has a negative connotation - it refers to preventing or discouraging someone from doing something by making it difficult for them to do it or by threatening bad results if they do it. Try to be more specific.

To: The Crime Prevention Officer
From: Stefan Radovanovic
Date: 01.11.2005
Subject: Crime in mour town
Dear Sir,

The reason of writing this report is to make a clear picture why there is so much crime and finding a solution to make this town crime-proof.

1 Security guards
There is a big problem with shop safety in our town. Shoplifters make out with plenty of stolen things very often and police can’t work out this problem.

Measures: I think there should be employed about 15-20 strong men who would watch over the part of the town where most of shops are situated - something like “shop security”. With this type of job we would solve another problem-unemployment.

2 Deterrent
It turned out that 90% of muggers are students from the secondary school and older. They bring fear into people and that is not good at all.

Measures: Some extra classes should be added in the schools, maybe once a week because problem starts in students. On these classes police officers could talk to students about the mugging problem. Their mission would be to deter young people of committing this kind of crime.

In the last two months there was an increasing number of house burglaries. More than 15 houses were broken into during that period. People come back from work and see their homes empty.

Measures: I came up with a solution. Using Closed Circuit Television would be much easier to identify burglars. On the other hand, residents should not leave houses unlocked and should install alarms.

There is much crime in our town and that is a big problem. I hope this report will help you preventing it.


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