Film Review by Predrag Milicevic
"The Transformers: The Movie" and "Beowulf"
We live in a time where the art of film making has gone one step beyond. The art of animation has been perfectionised with a little help of the up-to-date technologies, which feature graphic components capable of creating realistic images which can fool the human eye and can bring to life anything beyond our wildest imagination, mystic creatures and even worlds. All it takes is a little imagination and precision, and of course money, to create a masterpiece such as ''The Lord of the Rings'' and ''Ice age''.
As a fan of good animation I would like to say something about the film ''The Transformers: the Movie'', based on the cartoon and toys that has recently been shown in cinemas and has recieved a positive critic, and ''Beowulf'', a remake of the film from 1999 that came after ''transformers'', was a major disappointment regarding animation.
As the title suggests, the film ''Transformers'' is about bio-mechanical life forms from outter space, who can transform into man maid techonologies and who invade planet Earth, on which the showdown good against evil takes place to decide the faith of humanity. This film features the most advanced animations ever created, and along with Sreven Spilberg and Michael Bay responsible for the dynamic plot and risky stunts managed to create a melange of sci-fi, action and comedy. The transformations were initially been made to follow the laws of physics and that's what makes this film realistic. Every detail is flawless, movements fluent and the plot is just insane.
On the other hand, ''Beowulf'', which I was eager to watch, turned out to be a disappointment because even the main characters, such as Angelina Jolile and Ray Winston were totaly animated. Unfortunately, the animations were obvious and easily to spot. The facial movements are stiff, the skin is shiny and low in detail. However, the plot is very good, with a mixture of mythology, old beliefs and old cultures and bloody sequences as well. The major mistakes of this film would be the unnecessary computerised main characters, which in my oppinion, costs more than normal acting. I'm still wondering why they did that if the actors are already present, and you can't get more real than that. The money shouldn't have been a problem. Stars such as Angelina Jolie are only to see on high budget films.
By contrasting these two films, you can clearly see that there is no room for error, that every move has to fit perfectly or the project will be in jeperdy. You have to compliment the real masterminds' behind such big projects, who have to have a steady hand, eyes of an eagle for every smallest detail and nerves to produce something that you can be proud of.