This blog has been created to show teenager students that learning English can be fun. They will be given links to language games, opportunity to share project experiences, and some research and writing tasks.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Story Review Assignment

Dear Students,

Here is our new assignment*:

1. Read the story One of These Days by G.G.Marquez in pairs. Make notes during reading.
2. Discuss your notes and decide together what to include in your review. Go to
Literary Elements Map and agree which elements each of you will cover.
3. Look at this sample review, which also gives advice about writing reviews.
4. Don’t forget to express your opinion of the book/story and support it with explanations and
specific references to the book itself, including quotations, rather than give a brief description
of the book. Discuss your drafts and write the final review. Edit your review.
5. Annotate your review with hyperlinked reports on the author, the setting, character or
something else which is mentioned in your book. Illustrate your review with some pictures.
6. Reflect on your review. Think about what you liked and what you would do differently next
time. What kind of story are you going to read next time? Share your experience with the
whole class.


*Adapted from Patrizia Shulze’s ''Book reviews, annotation, and web technology''


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