Formal letter 1 by J.Bozovic

Dear Mrs Malone,
I have read your advertisement in a local news paper.I was quite suprised when I sow your advertisement,becouse that is a great oppertunuty for me to move my education to another level.I have been studying English for eleven years and that is why I would like to get this job so I can try my speaking skills abroad.I also have a younger brother,whit who I like to play a lot,so it wouldn’t be a problem spending time whit your children,and I would like to know how old are they.You mencioned in your advertisement somethig about helping you whit your children,can you tell me something more about that.I would like to ask you some questions regarding this job.How meny hours a day or a week will I spend whit your children,and how much will I be payed?I almost forgot to ask you the date of your holiday.I thak you in advance.
Yours faightflly,
Jovan Bozovic
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